#1 - Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci
April 15, 1452 - May 2, 1519
Italianpainter, musician, architect, engineer, scientist, teacher, historian, optician, cartographer, and adviser to nobles and kings.” (S,D,H pg. 32) (A true Renaissance Man)

The first artifact I chose to bring along with me on my travels is actually Leonardo da Vinci, an incredibly famous man who was knows as the “great master of the early Renaissance.” (S,D,H pg. 32) I already liked the guy but upon further research I was also excited to learn that da Vinci and I actually share the same birthday, April 15, and we’ll be celebrating that day here soon. That, however, was not the reason I decided to bring him along. Leonardo was an extremely curious and talented individual and loved to learn about the world, create new inventions, and master new talents or crafts. Recognized by others as a "painter, musician, architect, engineer, scientist, teacher, historian, optician, cartographer, and adviser to nobles and kings" we can see how incredibly talented this man was and can only wonder how significant his contributions would have been to his society and all those after him. Throughout the course of his life he explored his curiosities almost to the extreme and followed a consistent pattern of first observing something and then trying to learn from it. His ability to do so was recognized at an early age and the textbook said that even at an early age,“he had a passion for horses and would study them at length, in time becoming an excellent horse trainer. He was also fascinated by birds and studied them and their flight from an early age and throughout his life.” When he was trying to better understand how to draw humans, he actually ended up getting permission to use the bodies to executed criminals to study anatomy so he could better understand the body and what he was depicting. He was well trained in art and some of his most famous works include the Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, and the Vitruvian Man (top right picture). Da Vinci’s life and accomplishments seem to be the sum of his careful observations, thoughtful meditation, and the application or portrayal of these things throughout his life which fits perfectly with my definition of learning. That’s why I would love to bring him along for the journey, to act as a role model of how we can acquire greater knowledge and understanding through creative thinking and learning! (S.D.H pg. 32) I would hope that my family and future generations would learn from his example and become increasingly observant and courageous enough to explore their curiosities like da Vinci. He would be a great guy to have along for the journey.