
After succesfully finding opportunity for life outside our universe, I have been charged with the heavy responsibility of starting life on a new planet with those of us who survived Earth's decay. Pollution has in fact penetrated the atmosphere's protective layers, we had no choice but to leave our home and be pioneers in a foreign galaxy. With a great team of highly educated and trained scientists, I'm confident that we will be able to find and develop sufficient resources in order to sustain life on our new planet. My concern, however, is how we will begin to govern ourselves once settled in. With this great opportunity to develop a new culture, I decided to bring 8 artifacts from Earth along with us. Why you ask? I did so in order to help my people develop a passion for learning and creativity so that together we can facilitate the training and education of future generations and help them to embrace great morals and cultural standards. As I contemplated the significance of learning, I began to explore my own definition of learning and would like to present what I came up with. I believe that leaning is the exploration of curiosity through careful observation, thoughtful meditation, and the successful application of new and deeper understanding in our lives. Learning has the capacity to change the course of a civilizations destiny. In the LDS Bible Dictionary under the definition of knowledge it says, "one progresses only as fast as he gains knowledge" which demonstrates very dynamically the importance of gaining knowledge through learning. (4) The artifacts I have chosen represent my definition of learning in various ways and I'm excited that I'll be able to bring each of them along. Please enjoy reading about these 8 artifacts I selected and hopefully together we will come to understand how to better encourage our people to learn as our new planet begins.