
After taking this class and thinking about the idea of learning all semester, I'm convinced that our key purpose here on Earth is to learn. Learning is a part of everything that we do each day and is in no way limited to a classroom. Learning takes place at home, school, participating in recreational activities and so much more. It can be formal, informal, accredited, or disregarded, but learning truly takes place all around us all the time!

I've defined learning as the the exploration of curiosity through careful observation, thoughtful meditation, and the successful application of new and deeper understanding in our lives. We've talked a lot about observation and meditation as I've discussed the 8 artifacts that I would bring to my new world. But what about the application of learning? How do I see that playing a part not only in my life but also the lives of my family members?

I can apply patterns of learning in everything I do. At BYU I have plenty of formal opportunities for learning presented to me every day as I attend classes and work on class assignments, but it goes far beyond that. Everyday I have the opportunity to interact with other individuals who come from different backgrounds and cultures. Each one of them has a story that I can learn from. As I develop relationships and observe the lives of those who have achieved great things in their lifetime, I learn how to pattern my life and fill it with positive things in order to find the greatest amount of joy and happiness. I think learning is a continual process and as we learn, we become even more capable of learning other new information and that pattern continues as we progress through life's formal and informal educational systems. 

In my families' life learning is absolutely essential. Parents have the responsibility to teach their children and train them to succeed in life. It's the child's responsibility, however, to actually implement what their parents are teaching them because otherwise they will never see the benefits that their parents hope for them to have. In my family, church and our religion is a huge priority and we are constantly learning new ways to better implement the basic principles of the Gospel. Repetition plays a key role in helping us to become the individuals that we hope to become through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As I quoted from the Bible Dictionary at the beginning, "one progresses only as fast as he gains knowledge" and that's why it's so essential for us to continually seek out opportunities to grow and progress through learning. Learning is truly the fundamental purpose of this life and plays a key role in our eternal progression.